International Technical Trainer

Minimum Requirements

1. Basics of equipments including operation & maintenance, HSE Detail information will be provided (P&ID, PFD, process descriptions etc)

2. Excellent English skills in written and spoken

3. Prepare and provide all training tools and program by himself

4. Training result shall be evaluated through written test for trainees.

Field/Scope to be covered in training

A. Sea water supply and its intake system as cooling medium

B. Closed loop cooling water circulation system and plate heat exchangers.

C.Low pressure ethylene storage tank and its vaporizer, boil off gas compressor unit, which is called cryogenic tank or double wall storage tank being operated at -104 deg. C

D. Chemical Hazards

E. Butene-1 and its sphere

F. Ethane sphere, vaporizer, ethane compressor system

G. Propane Bullets and supply system

H. Hydrogen bullets and its supply system.

I. Butane bullet and it s supply system.

J. Liquid fuel storage and its supply system

K. Steam Supply system including let down system

L. Condensate and demin. water supply system (polisher & its regeneration system)

M. Caustic & H2SO4 supply and storage system

N. Portable water & service water supply system

O. Sodium hypochlorite production unit

P. Plant Air and Instrument Air system including compressor unit & dryer unit

Q. Flare and KO drum, blow down unit (HP flare, Combined flare, LP flare, Dry flare)

R. Firewater, deluge, fire water pumping system.

S. Waste Water treatment system & sanitary waste water, sewer unit

T. The other system or unit if required or requested

Time (Duration) and Place

A. Time / Duration : 4th Quarter of 2012 (this year) / total 13 days

B. Place : Training Facility on Site (UAE)

Utilities & Offsite

Total number of trainees to participate in the class room training are 36 people.It requires two sessions per day for 10 (ten) days. Each session will have 18 trainees. For example, Session A – 08:00~12:00, Session B – 13:00 ~16:00, both sessions will have the same subject.

1-Butene Unit

Total number of trainees to participate in the class room training are 20 people. It requires two sessions per day for 3 (three) days. each session will have 10 trainees. For example, Session A – 08:00~12:00, Session B – 13:00 ~16:00, both sessions will have the same subject.

Other Specifications

Accommodation facilities including meal and transportation will be provided same with our client’s employee level.

Air tickets for round trip (economic class) will be provided by Premier Global International.

Transportation during trainer’s staying for training service will be provided by Premier Global International.

If you consider yourself suitable for this project please contact us:
