Powerful feedback from people who know. Do you really know what your own people think about you as a manager? How much support do they feel that they have from you? To what extent do they feel valued?
One of the best ways to obtain answers to these questions is by 360 Feedback – where the participant obtains feedback not only from their boss but also their colleagues, subordinates and even customers.
Confidentiality of respondents is always maintained, enabling people to give their true opinions without fear of being challenged. Results are presented in the form of graphs, so that participants can compare those areas where people consider that they have strengths with those in which respondents feel that they can improve.
The following are examples of areas which can be enhanced through 360 Feedback:






The process of 360 Feedback will include the following steps:
Step 1: Identification of competenciesStep 2: Design of questionnaireStep 3: Briefing for ParticipantsStep 4: Completion of QuestionnaireStep 5: Production of reportStep 6: Participant Feedback
A discussion is undertaken with the business to identify exactly the aspects of a person’s performance or behaviour that needs to be measured. The results are placed into a framework which is used as the foundation for the questionnaire.
The criteria are transformed into simple statements which are used as the questionnaire items. Each item covers one specific area of the criteria and care is taken to ensure that all aspects required are measured. The results are checked with the business before the questionnaire is actioned.
Clear reasons for the 360 exercise, how it will be undertaken and how the results will be used are transmitted to all participants and respondents before the exercise commences. This provides reassurance as well as enhancing acceptance, thus increasing the accuracy of results.
A link to the questionnaire is forwarded by e-mail, with clear instructions as to its completion. Respondents are sent regular e-mails, encouraging completion of the questionnaire and emphasising its importance to the business.
An electronic report is created, outlining the areas of strength and development need for each participant, sub-divided into individual categories (i.e. boss, peers, subordinates, etc). The report also includes a space for free text providing extra clarity and examples.
Each participant receives a 1 ½ hour feedback session from a qualified coach in either Romanian or English. Care is taken to go through the implications of results, what it means for the individual and to create a development plan for improvement.
360 Feedback is particularly effective in the following situations as helping individuals to understand how they are perceived by their team, colleagues and managers, improving teamworking through greater understanding by team members of each other, identifying areas of strength and development, enabling development action plans to be made based on powerful evidence from others, etc
360 Feedback can be used for all levels of personnel, for individuals and for teams. It is a highly effective tool for measuring performance, provided that participants are prepared to be open and honest with each other. We are able to provide the Premier Global’s 360 Feedback solution in Bucharest and other major cities in Romania as well as other countries from Europe, Middle East, Asia, America, etc.
About Us
Premier Global is a forward-looking British-Romanian HR consultancy company with strong international experience in providing Recruitment, Assessment, and Coaching services to important multinational companies.
Our services


Assessment Centres


360 Feedback

Psychometric Testing

Career Counselling